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From Rocket-Science to Journalism

In the Digger project we aim to implement scientific audio forensic functionalities in journalistic tools to detect both shallow- and deepfakes. At the Truth and Trust Online Conference 2020 we explained how we are doing this.

by | Oct 16, 2020 | News, R&D | 0 comments

Today we have presented the Digger project and our approach on the Truth & Trust Online Conference. We explained all the audio forensic functionality that we are looking into and how this functionality can help us with detecting video manipulation and also with deepfake detection. The presentation is available via the conference website but we did not want to keep it from you so below you will find the full 11 minutes presentation.

If you are interested to learn more or have questions then please get into contact with us, either via commenting on this article or via our Twitter channel.

We hope you liked it! Happy Digging and keep an eye on our website for future updates!

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